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VORSPRUNG - Neoscan Solutions honoured at the Federal Chancellery

Berlin/Magdeburg, May 2024 | Press Release

Berlin/Magdeburg, 15th May 2024 – Economics Minister Sven Schulze congratulates: “I have seen how business and science have worked hand in hand for success and achieved great things in Magdeburg.”


‘Germany - Land of Ideas’ is awarding the VORSPRUNG business prize for the fifth time today. The prize honours particularly innovative companies whose business models, products or developments have the potential to shape the future of Eastern Germany as a business location and thus serve as a model for the transformation of the Eastern German economy. The Magdeburg-based medical technology company Neoscan Solutions, which was nominated by the Investment and Marketing Corporation of Saxony-Anhalt (IMG), has won one of this year's coveted awards.


“At the beginning, we at Neoscan asked ourselves the question: how can more people have access to MRI? Then we did some research and developed a completely new magnet technology. In the end, it turned out that the new technology was much more economical in terms of energy consumption and that we could close the product cycle. It makes us proud to see how the original idea has now become a certified medical device. The fact that we have even been awarded the VORSPRUNG business prize for this makes us very happy and indeed honours us,” says Neoscan Managing Director Dr Stefan Röll.


“I have been supporting Neoscan Solutions since 2019. The positive development of the last few years has been made possible primarily by a highly qualified team, the support of our regional investors and the network at the Stimulate research campus, in which we are embedded at Magdeburg's Port of Science. Here we are not only in close professional dialogue. The proximity to the Otto-von-Guericke-University also gives us access to qualified students, who we integrate into our organization even before they graduate,” adds Dirk Meyer, also Managing Director of Neoscan.


Minister of Economic Affairs Sven Schulze was one of the first to congratulate the company: "The fact that Neoscan Solutions is one of the winners of this year's 'Vorsprung' business award makes me very proud. On the one hand, of course, because it is a company from Saxony-Anhalt that we have supported with more than one million euros since 2017. But also because I have followed Neoscan's development closely since it was founded. I have seen how business and science have worked hand in hand to achieve success and how great things have been realised in Magdeburg. Today it is clear that Neoscan, with its innovative MRI equipment, is an outstanding example of a strong medical technology sector in our state. And I am convinced that this development is far from over,” said the Minister.


“We congratulate the entire team at Neoscan Solutions and are delighted to have played our part in putting the company in the spotlight on behalf of the many innovative SMEs in Saxony-Anhalt.  The company is a pioneer in its sector, overcoming challenges with impressive expertise, is characterized by a high level of innovation and sustainable growth and is therefore a role model for the transformation and future of the economy, not only in Eastern Germany. Visionaries like Dr Stefan Röll make the difference and drive the economy forward with great ideas and enormous energy,” said IMG Managing Director Dr. Robert Franke at the award ceremony in the Berlin Chancellery.


Background to the company:


Neoscan Solutions is a medical device manufacturer that was founded in 2017 in Magdeburg's Science Harbour and now employs 36 specialists. The company focuses on the development, production, sales and service of innovative technology in the field of magnetic resonance imaging. In addition to an MRI system for infants, the portfolio also includes research equipment, software and equipment required for the application. To date, Neoscan is the only MRI company to use high-temperature superconducting (HTS) magnets. HTS magnets are not only compact and lightweight, they are also repairable and therefore reusable. Combined with localised RF shielding, this results in lower installation, operating and maintenance costs for the hospital. Children's hospitals can install the neo315 MRI, designed specifically for paediatrics, directly on the ward. This saves premature and newborn babies a trip to the radiology department.


Background to the VORSPRUNG-award:


The members of the jury are: - Matthias Platzeck, former Minister President of the State of Brandenburg (jury chair) - Dr Robert Hermann, Managing Director, Germany Trade and Invest - Gesellschaft für Außenwirtschaft und Standortmarketing mbH (GTAI) - Andrea Joras, Executive Director Digital Transformation & Information Security, Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit GmbH (GIZ) - Thomas Kralinski, State Secretary and Head of Office at the Saxon State Ministry of Economic Affairs, Labour and Transport - Frank Nehring, President of OWF. ZUKUNFT and Spokesperson of the Advisory Board - Dr Denise Rüttinger, Managing Director DIW Berlin - Jakob Wais, Managing Director and Editor-in-Chief, Business Insider Germany/ Start-up scene - Katrin Wiebus, Authorised Officer and Head of Credit, Sächsische Aufbaubank. The patron of the award is Minister of State Carsten Schneider, Federal Government Commissioner for Eastern Germany. The prize is not endowed.


A committee of business development organizations, investment and guarantee banks as well as state representatives from the Federation of German Industries (BDI) in the six eastern German states are entitled to nominate a number of established companies and start-ups from their respective states. An independent jury consisting of representatives from politics, business, science and the business media then decides on the award. One prize is awarded per federal state and an additional prize goes to a start-up company.






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Christiane Meyer, Marketing

Phone:+49 159 01 24 14 15,

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